Sunday, May 25, 2008

Minwawe Barbados

Thank you, Penne and Mike!

Minwawe Barbados is a STUNNING Flecket ram! His photo above at less than 1 year of age already shows what will become an awesome set of horns. He is the sire of 6 of this year's lambs and put Krunets on all of them from lines not known to have the spotting genes up front. Bred to spotted ewes, I expect he will produce some really loud spotted lambs too. Because we used Barbados extensively, and because we have several very nice spotted rams, he will probably need to go to a new flock this year. His structure is excellent. He produced 4 ewe lambs and 2 ram lambs also. Is very considerate of his Shepherd and gives you plenty of space, as it should be. We are retaining a ram lamb sired by Barbados! $500

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