Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sleeping Beauty's ewe lamb

This is Sleeping Beauty's gorgeous HST ewe lamb! Silveraurora MT Dolly's photos were taken just after she was born and up on her feet. She has an extensive face mask, white rear socks, white tip to her tail, and a beautiful full circle of white around her head at the neck. Lovely conformation. She will be very hard to part with, in fact, we've decided to keep this beautiful girl!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Minwawe Barbados

Thank you, Penne and Mike!

Minwawe Barbados is a STUNNING Flecket ram! His photo above at less than 1 year of age already shows what will become an awesome set of horns. He is the sire of 6 of this year's lambs and put Krunets on all of them from lines not known to have the spotting genes up front. Bred to spotted ewes, I expect he will produce some really loud spotted lambs too. Because we used Barbados extensively, and because we have several very nice spotted rams, he will probably need to go to a new flock this year. His structure is excellent. He produced 4 ewe lambs and 2 ram lambs also. Is very considerate of his Shepherd and gives you plenty of space, as it should be. We are retaining a ram lamb sired by Barbados! $500

Sister's ewe lamb

Sold! Thank you, Cheryl!!

Silveraurora Sister's ewe lamb in the foreground, Silveraurora MB Ephrim. Ephrim in going to have a uniform crimp to her fleece and retain the darker Moorit color too! She is feminine and a gentle soul. Correct tail, she won't have a real wooly poll to her. I will get a much better photo showing her very good structure soon - this pic with her half brother makes her look hocky when she really isn't. I expect most of her Krunet to fade as she matures but she carries spots and is sired by Minwawe Barbados. $350

Treet's Black and White Ewe Lamb

This is Silveraurora Treet's very colorful ewe lamb, Silveraurora MB Candy. And she has plenty of eye candy too! Lots of flash on her head, she's very feminine and a sweetheart. She will produce some lovely lambs of her own some day, no doubt. She carries the genetics to throw spotting also. $350 She's still with us and has turned into a lovely girl and she is very petite!
This is Alaska Natalie's ewe lamb, first born here this year, Silveraurora MB Feather. This girl is stunning - she owns the place. A nice dark moorit, she decided her own name, as evidenced from the photo above! Feather is well-boned and has a very strong Krunet head marking that will remain. She obviously carries spots and bred to a spotted ram will produced some beautiful spotted lambs. She was our biggest girl and has a very friendly personality. She has been retained and bred for 2009 lambs.

Moorit Krunet Ram Lamb

This is Alaska Dominique's Ram Lamb - Silveraurora MB YoMamma

Yoma is a stunning dark Moorit ram with a very consistent crimpy fleece. I expect him to be a crimpy Intermediate fleece, perfect for northern climates and lovely for spinning. I really like this boy's conformation and feel he will make an excellent ram for someone's flock. He has a Krunet and carries spotted genetics too. His sire is Minwawe Barbados. $350 His horn growth is so far quite nice and he's maturing beautifully. Would make an excellent addition for fall breeding plans!

